Make a one-off donation

RS100=00 \ £10 \ $10 Bone and joint health fund for Poor & needy
Contributions of even small amounts are welcome as this money will be used to provide medicines, investigations, orthotic aids in the free OPDs for needy and poor and can support treatment for ailments like osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Bone Tuberculosis etc.
Rs500=00 \ £50 \ $50 don’t let them be ‘Dependent’ – you can do it
Osteoporosis {WEAKNESS of bones} caused by calcium, vitamin D & protein deficiency is rampant in poor malnourished population of India. One in three women and one in five men after 45 yrs suffer from this disease in India. This weakness of bones can lead to fracture of wrist, spine & hip with very minor falls and jerks. The poor family cannot afford the treatment as the newer and more effective medicine are very expensive and if the patient sustains fracture of hip or spine may require surgery and because of poverty can't afford it .Even good nursing care is not given to such unfortunate patient. If these senior citizens are neglected they may even die due to lack of proper treatment and care. But the good news is osteoporosis is preventable disease to a great extent with medicines, physiotherapy and nutrition, So help such a patient.
- Cost will include investigation like Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) Test, blood investigation & special medicines.
Rs2000=00 \ £100 \ $100 Add life & smile to the years’ of a poor child
Help a poor child who is suffering from deformities of lower limbs due to ‘Rickets’. He is suffering from this disease due to deficiency of Vitamin D & Calcium . Such a child is incompatible with normal schooling, walking and playing. They have bowing of lower limbs, medically called Genu varus & Genu valgus . In initial stages, it can be treated with supplementation with vitamin D & calcium. Since in poor malnourished families attention to such deformities is not paid at the right time ,in advanced stage they need a surgery to prevent handicap & to carry on with a productive life.
- Donate to treat the poor child for two years in initial stages of rickets when good diet, medicines and physiotherapy can help prevent handicap
- Donate For surgical correction of a handicapped child who has severe deformities in advanced stage. This includes surgery, medicines and rehabilitation
Rs5000=00 \ £200 \ $200 Too few people know the truth about arthritis-that it’s a widespread, costly, debilitating disease.
By spreading awareness, speaking out for affordable care and funding groundbreaking research for a cure, the Arthritis Foundation of Asia is leading the fight for a better life with arthritis.
Will you help us find a cure by making a gift today?