Arthritis & Depression

Arthritis & Diabetes

People with diagnosed diabetes are nearly twice as likely to have arthritis, indicating a diabetes-arthritis connection.
Arthritis & Heart Disease

You’re probably all too aware of how arthritis affects your joints. But the unfair news is that having arthritis – osteoarthritis (OA), but especially inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, lupus and psoriatic arthritis – puts you at increased risk of developing heart disease.
Arthritis & Obesity

Sleep Problems With Arthritis

Arthritis & Eye Conditions

While most people think of arthritis as inflammation of the joints, increasingly, research is showing that inflammation can cause damage in unexpected ways and in unexpected places. Unfortunately, the eyes are not immune.
Hearing Loss & Arthritis

“What did you say?” “Would you repeat that please?” If you find yourself asking those questions more frequently, you are not alone – and your hearing loss could have an arthritis-related reason, either due to the disease itself, or to the drugs used to treat it.
Gum Disease & Arthritis

Kidney Disease & Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has many health consequences, and evidence suggests that an elevated risk of kidney disease is one of them. Kidney disease also raises your odds of developing heart disease. Since people with RA already have double the average risk for cardiovascular disease, that can spell serious trouble.
Arthritis & Your Skin

Arthritis is often referred to as an invisible disease because the inflammation and pain that affect the joints are often difficult to see. But some conditions that accompany different forms of arthritis may not be so invisible, because they affect our largest and most visible organ: our skin.